søndag 13. januar 2013

Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920

Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920
Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920
Nemopalpinae Edwards, 1921

Description (from Duckhouse 1965, Hennig 1972, Wagner 2006):
Appearance culiciform.
Eyes widely separated.
Mouthparts non-functional. Palps with five segments.
Sc with connection to R1 and often to C
CuA3 present.
Gonostylus without thorns.

Bruchomyia Alexander, 1920 (Neotropical)
Eutonnoiriella Alexander, 1940 (Afrotropical)
Nemopalpus Macquart, 1821 (Cosmotropical)

Key to genera
1. Antennae with 14 flagellomeres
Nemopalpus Macquart, 1821
-. Antennae with more than 14 flagellomeres

2. Antennae with 111 flagellomeres
Eutonnoiriella Alexander, 1940
-. Antennae with around 30 flagellomeres.
Bruchomyia Alexander, 1920


Alexander, C. P. (1921) A new subfamily of tanyderid flies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 13 (1920), 402-407.

Alexander, C. P. (1940) Further observations on the psychodid subfamily Bruchomyinae (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 11, 793-799.

Duckhouse, D. A. (1965) Psychodidae (Diptera, Nematocera) of Southern Australia, subfamilies Bruchomyiinae and Trichomyiinae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 117, 329-343

Edwards, F. W. (1921) A note on the subfamily Bruchomyiinæ (Diptera Nematocera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7.

Macquart, J. (1838) Dipteres exotiques noveaux ou peu connus. Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences, de l’agriculture et des arts de Lille, 1, 9-225

Wagner, R. (2006) Amber Bruchomyiinae: descriptions of already known and new species, and the position of the subfamily within Psychodidae (s.l.) (Diptera). Studia Dipterologica13, 83-95

Psychodidae Newman, 1834

Psychodidae Newman, 1834
Psychodites Newman, 1834

Description (based on Hennig 1972, Quate & Vockeroth 1981)
Flagellomeres with hyaline sensory appendages (ascoids). Wing with 10 (occasionally 9) longitudinal veins reaching margin; without crossveins except sometimes those closing basal cells. Costa surrounding the wing. A2 absent. Terminalia usually inverted 180 degrees.

Key to subfamilies
1. R with 4 branches
-. R with 5 branches
2 (1). R2+3 fused, R4+5 present as fork.
Horaiellinae Enderlein, 1936

-. R2+3 present as fork, R4+5 fused.
3 (2). CuA2 elongate. Palp with three or four segments. Male gonopods dorsally on the animal.
Trichomyiinae Tonnoir, 1922

-. CuA2 short. Palp with  four segments. Male gonopods usually ventrally on the animal.
Sycoracinae Jung, 1954

4 (1). Eyes usually meeting above bases of antennae. Mouthparts non-functional. Palp with four segments. Basal cells shortened. Wing base with a triangular jugum. Male surstyli with retinaculae. Usually compact, stout insects.
Psychodinae Newman, 1834  

-. Eyes widely separated. Mouthparts non-functional or functional. Palp with five segments. Basal cells elongate. Wing base without a triangular jugum. Male surstyli usually without retinaculae. Slender, culiciform insects.

5 (4). Mouthparts non-functional. CuA3 present, elongate. Gonostylus of male without thorns.
Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920 
-. Mouthparts functional. CuA3 absent. Gonostylus of male with thorns.
Phlebotominae Rondani, 1840


Hennig, W. (1972) Insektenfossilien aus der unteren Kreide IV. Psychodidae (Phlebotominae),
mit einer kritischen Übersicht über das phylogenetische System der Familie und die bisher
beschriebenen Fossilien (Diptera). Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, 241, 1-69

Newman, E. (1834) Attempted division of British insects into natural orders. Entomological Magazine, 2,

Quate, L. W. & Vockeroth, J. R. (1981) Psychodidae. In: J. F. McAlpine, B. V. Peterson, G. E.
Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. M. Wood (Eds), Manual of Nearctic Diptera 
Vol.1. Biosystematics Research institute, Ottawa, pp. 293-300.

Nemopalpus ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978

Nemopalpus ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978
Nemopalpus ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978

Nemopalpus ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978, terminalia in lateral view. From Stuckenberg (1978)
Interocular distance about one third of head width.
Gonopods articulating in the vertical plane. Gonocoxite about twice as long as gonostylus.
Gonostylus with narrow basis, distally expanded and pyriform; carrying dense field of black microsetae ventrally (morphologically dorsally).

Namibia (Stuckenberg 1978)

Natural History:
Specimens were collected in the burrows of the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis (Stuckenberg 1978).

Stuckenberg, B. R. 1978. Two new species of Nemopalpus (Diptera: Psychodidae) found in rock hyrax abodes in South West Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum23: 367-374

Nemopalpus davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978

Nemopalpus davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978
Nemopalpus davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978

Nemopalpus davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978 - gonopod and aedeagus in lateral view. From Stuckenberg (1978)

Description (after Stuckenberg 1978):
Interocular distance about one third of head width.
Gonopods articulating in the vertical plane. Gonocoxite less than 1.5 times as long as gonostylus.
Gonostylus elongate, tongue-shaped; carrying dense field of black microsetae distally.
Aedeagus in lateral view truncate apically, thickened at base.

Namibia (Stuckenberg 1978)

Natural History:
Specimens were collected in the burrows of the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis (Stuckenberg 1978).

Stuckenberg, B. R. 1978. Two new species of Nemopalpus (Diptera: Psychodidae) found in rock hyrax abodes in South West Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum23: 367-374

Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838

Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838

Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838: 223(227); 1839: 102.  Type species: Nemopalpus flavus Macquart, 1838, by monotypy.
Nemapalpus: Macquart, 1838: 85(89).  Incorrect original spelling of Nemopalpus Macquart, 1838 [teste Macquart (1839: 102)].
Nygmatodes Loew, 1845: 9. Unavailable name.
Palaeosycorax Meunier, 1905: 50. Type species: Palaeosycorax tertiariae Meunier, 1905, by monotypy

Antennae with 16 segments.

Species (based on Curler & Jacobson 2012):
capensis Edwards, 1929
concolor Stuckenberg, 1962
davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978
ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978
transvaalensis Stuckenberg, 1962

Key to Afrotropical Nemopalpus (based on Stuckenberg 1962, 1978):
1. Gonostylus with dense patch of black microsetae

-. Gonostylus without dense patch of black microsetae

2 (1). Dense patch of black microsetae laterobasally on gonostylus. Gonostylus more or less J-shaped
Nemopalpus ledgeri Stuckenberg, 1978

-. Dense patch of black microsetae laterodistally on gonostylus. Gonostylus tongue-shaped.
Nemopalpus davidsoni Stuckenberg, 1978

3 (1). Bases of R5 and M with spurs. If the gonostylus carries a distal row of sensory spines, it is not widened apically.

-. Bases of R5 and M without spurs. Gonostylus more or less foot-shaped, widened apically, with distal row of 8 clavate sensory spines.
Nemopalpus concolor Stuckenberg, 1962

4 (3). Base of R2+3 with a spur. Gonocoxite about twice as long as gonostylus. Gonostylus with regular dorsal concavity.
Nemopalpus transvaalensis Stuckenberg, 1962

-. Base of R2+3 without a spur. Gonocoxite less than 1,5 x length of gonostylus. Gonostylus with irregular dorsal concavity.
Nemopalpus capensis Edwards, 1929

nearcticus Young, 1976

acaenohybos Quate & Alexander, 2000
amazonensis Wagner & Stuckenberg, 2012
antillarum Fairchild, 1952
arroyoi de Leon, 1950
brejetubensis Santos, Falqueto & Alexander, 2009
brevinervis Barretto & d’Andretta, 1946
cancer Wagner & Stuckenberg, 2012
capixaba Santos, Falqueto & Alexander, 2009; Brazil
dampfianus Alexander, 1940
dissimilis Barretto & d’Andretta, 1946
espiritosantoensis Santos, Falqueto & Alexander, 2009
immaculatus Freeman, 1949
mopani de León, 1950
moralesi de León, 1950
multisetosus Alexander, 1979
pallipes Shannon & del Ponte, 1927
patriciae Alexander, 1987
phoenimimos Quate & Alexander, 2000
pilipes Tonnoir, 1922
rondanica Quate & Alexander, 2000
similis Wagner & Stuckenberg, 2012
spinosus Bravo & Barata, 2012
stenygros Quate & Alexander, 2000
stuckenbergi Wagner, 2012
sziladyi Tonnoir, 1940
torrealbai Ortiz & Scorza, 1963
yucatensis Vargas & Díaz-Nájera, 1958

australiensis Alexander, 1928
glyphanos Curler in Curler & Jacobson, 2012
zealandiae Alexander, 1921

Key to Oceanian Nemopalpus (based on Curler & Jacobson 2012)
1. Medial fork distal to r-m

-. Medial fork adjacent to r-m (M2 arising from level of r-m)
Nemopalpus zealandiae Alexander, 1921

2 (1). Gonostylus with conspicuous lobes and spiniform setae
Nemopalpus australiensis Alexander, 1928

-. Gonostylus without conspicuous lobes and spiniform setae; smooth, beak-shaped.
Nemopalpus glyphanos Curler in Curler & Jacobson, 2012

orientalis Edwards, 1928
unicolor Edwards, 1933
vietnamensis Quate, 1962

flavus Macquart, 1838

Curler, G. R. & Jacobson, A. J. 2012. New species of Psychodidae (Diptera) from Australasia, with a checklist of the world species of Bruchomyiinae and Sycoracinae. Zootaxa3552: 43-65

Stuckenberg, B. R. 1962. The South African species of Nemopalpus (Diptera: Psychodidae). Annals of the Natal Museum, 15: 201-218

Stuckenberg, B. R. 1978. Two new species of Nemopalpus (Diptera: Psychodidae) found in rock hyrax abodes in South West Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum, 23: 367-374

fredag 11. januar 2013

Psychoda cultella Salmela, Kvifte & More, 2012

Psychoda cultella Salmela, Kvifte & More, 2012

Psychoda cultella Salmela, Kvifte & More, 2012

Psychoda cultella Salmela, Kvifte & More, 2012. Photograph by Gunnar Mikalsen Kvifte

Description (from Salmela et al. 2012, diagnostic characters in italics)
Antennae with 16 segments, terminal four near globular. F11 with a short neck, F12-14 partially fused.
Labellum with five teeth.
Wing forks complete.
Hypandrium narrow. Gonocoxite bulbous laterally. Gonostylus elongate, longer than gonocoxite.
Aedeagus with large knife-shaped paramere.Distal margin of subgenital plate with tufts of hair.
Surstyli elongate, basally bulbous.

Two COI-sequences are available from GenBank: JQ349633 and JQ349634.

Finland (Salmela et al. 2012)
Norway (Salmela et al. 2012)

Natural History:
Psychoda cultella is probably fungivorous or saprobiont in the larval stage as two of the paratypes were reared from polyporous fungi (Salmela et al. 2012).

Salmela, J., Kvifte, G. M. & More, A. 2012. Description of a new Psychoda Latreille species from Fennoscandia (Diptera: Psychodidae). Zootaxa. 3313: 34-43.