Bruchomyiinae Alexander, 1920
Nemopalpinae Edwards, 1921
Description (from Duckhouse 1965, Hennig 1972, Wagner 2006):
Appearance culiciform.
Eyes widely separated.
Mouthparts non-functional. Palps with five segments.
Sc with connection to R1 and often to C
CuA3 present.
Gonostylus without thorns.
Bruchomyia Alexander, 1920 (Neotropical)
Eutonnoiriella Alexander, 1940 (Afrotropical)
Nemopalpus Macquart, 1821 (Cosmotropical)
Key to genera
1. Antennae with 14 flagellomeres
Nemopalpus Macquart, 1821
-. Antennae with more than 14 flagellomeres
2. Antennae with 111 flagellomeres
Eutonnoiriella Alexander, 1940
-. Antennae with around 30 flagellomeres.
Bruchomyia Alexander, 1920
Alexander, C. P. (1921) A new subfamily of tanyderid flies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 13 (1920), 402-407.
Alexander, C. P. (1940) Further observations on the psychodid subfamily Bruchomyinae (Diptera). Revista de Entomologia, 11, 793-799.
Duckhouse, D. A. (1965) Psychodidae (Diptera, Nematocera) of Southern Australia, subfamilies Bruchomyiinae and Trichomyiinae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 117, 329-343
Edwards, F. W. (1921) A note on the subfamily Bruchomyiinæ (Diptera Nematocera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7.
Macquart, J. (1838) Dipteres exotiques noveaux ou peu connus. Mémoires de la Société royale des sciences, de l’agriculture et des arts de Lille, 1, 9-225
Wagner, R. (2006) Amber Bruchomyiinae: descriptions of already known and new species, and the position of the subfamily within Psychodidae (s.l.) (Diptera). Studia Dipterologica, 13, 83-95
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