fredag 11. januar 2013

Pericoma Walker, 1856

Pericoma Walker, 1856
Pericoma Walker, 1856
Leptopericoma Vaillant, 1978

Type species: Pericoma trifasciata (Meigen, 1804)

Description (based on Vaillant 1978)
Eyes separated by 2-8 facet diameters, usually less than 5. Eyebridge of 3-4 rows of facets. Interocular suture always present; U- or V-shaped.
Antennae of 16 barrel- or spindle-shaped segments. Scape stout, less than twice as long as broad, pedicel stout, globular. Flagellomere 14 with a short, thick apiculus. Ascoids simple, short, present mostly on flagellomeres 4-11.
Corniculi and allurement organs absent.
Sc long and conspicuous.
Hypandrium usually of even width. Subgenital plate usually bilobed.
Parameres fused with aedeagus, creating four aedeagal lamellae.
Surstylus usually with 4-5 retinacula, occasionally 3-8. Retinacula long, usually spatulate.

Key to subgenera (based on Krek 1999):

1. Eyebridge of 3 facet rows. Eyes separated by more than five facet diameters
Botosaneanuiella Vaillant, 1978

-. Eyebridge of 4 facet rows. Eyes separated by five facet diameters or less

2 (1). Antennae 3,5 times as long as head. Flagellar segments elongate, spindle-shaped, first flagellomere 2,3 times length of scape
Vaillantiella Krek, 1983

-. Antennae less than twice as long as head. Flagellar segments shorter, barrell-shaped, first flagellomere less than twice as long as scape

3 (2). Gonocoxites without mesal apodemes. Gonocoxites meeting broadly
Pachypericoma Vaillant, 1978

-. Gonocoxites with mesal apodemes. Gonocoxites separated for most of their lengths, except at apex of mesal apodeme
Pericoma s.str.

Subgenus Pericoma s.str.
signata (Banks, 1901)

coei Vaillant, 1965

alhambrana Vaillant, 1978
alticola Vaillant, 1955
arvernica Vaillant, 1978
barbarica Vaillant, 1955
barremica Vaillant & Withers, 1993
becharreense Wagner, 1980
bosniaca Krek, 1967
bunae Krek, 1979
calcifera Vaillant & Withers, 1993
calcilega Feuerborn, 1923
corsicana Vaillant, 1955
crenophila Wagner & Schrankel, 2005
diversa Tonnoir, 1920
dlabolai Ježek, 1990
egeica Vaillant, 1978
exquisita Eaton, 1893
graecica Vaillant, 1978
granadica Vaillant, 1978
hakkariae Wagner, 1986
improvisa Wagner & Baez, 1993
incrustans Vaillant, 1978 (larva only)
insularis (Wagner & Salamanna, 1984)
isabellae Wagner in Wagner & Schrankel, 2005
latina Sarà, 1954
limicola Vaillant, 1961
ljubiniensis Krek, 1967
kabulica Wagner, 1979
kariana Vaillant, 1978
kugleri Wagner, 1984
maculosa Wagner, 1979
maroccana Vaillant, 1955
modesta Tonnoir, 1922
motasi Vaillant, 1978
orientalis Wagner, 1986
paghmanica Wagner, 1979
pallida Vaillant, 1978
pannonica Szabò, 1960
pingarestica Vaillant, 1978
platystyla Wagner, 1986
pseudocalcilega Krek, 1972
pseudoexquisita Tonnoir, 1940
restonicana Vaillant, 1978
segregata Vaillant, 1978
servadeii Salamanna, 1981
sinica Wagner, 2003
solitaria (Wagner & Salamanna 1984)
shikokuensis Tokunaga & Komyo, 1954
tatrica Szabò, 1960
taurica Ježek, 1990
tenerifensis Satchell, 1955
tenuistylis Vaillant, 1978
tienshanensis Ježek, 1994
tonnoiri Vaillant, 1978
trifasciata (Meigen, 1804)
vestita Vaillant & Withers, 1993
viperina Vaillant, 1961
volpina Vaillant, 1978

Subgenus Botosaneanuiella Vaillant, 1978
affinis Krek, 1985
attentuata Vaillant, 1979

Key to species of Botosaneanuiella Vaillant, 1978
1. Aedeagus rounded distally. Hypandrium broad with triangular median extension
Pericoma affinis Krek, 1985

-. Aedeagus squareish distally. Hypandrium comparatively narrow, without any expansions
Pericoma attentuata Vaillant, 1979

Subgenus Pachypericoma Vaillant, 1978
blandula Eaton, 1893
fallax Eaton, 1893
neoblandula Duckhouse, 1962
nielseni Kvifte, 2010
 note: Wagner (1994) places Pericoma rivularis Berdén, 1954 as well in Pachypericoma. This species has, however, an elongate apiculus on the terminal flagellomere; the apomorphic alternative of which is present both in all other Pericoma and even in some Berdeniella. A phylogenetic analysis of Pericomaini is neccessary to place P. rivularis with any degree of confidence.

Key to species of Pericoma (Pachypericoma) (based on Vaillant 1978)
1. Thin part of gonostylus much shorter than thickened part. Inner aedeagal lamellae with parallel sides
Pericoma nielseni Kvifte, 2010

-. Thin part of gonostylus as long or almost as long as thickened part. Inner aedeagal lamellae with parallel sides or concave lateral margins

2 (1). Inner aedeagal lamellae with straight lateral margins (margins of aedeagal lamellae parallel)
Pericoma fallax Eaton, 1893

-. Inner aedeagal lamellae with concave lateral margins
Pericoma blandula Eaton, 1893 and Pericoma neoblandula Duckhouse, 1962
 note: Secure separation of these species is only possible in the larval stage (Vaillant 1979).

Subgenus Vaillantiella Krek, 1983
antennata Krek, 1984

Unplaced species
hygropetrica Wagner, 1993
 note: Wagner (1993) placed this species in Pericoma only provisionally. Probably it belongs in a new genus due to its unique combination of characters.
rivularis Berdén, 1954
 note: Omelková & Ježek (2012) suggested that rivularis was a species of Pneumia Enderlein, 1935. Kvifte & Andersen (2012) considered this unlikely because of rivularis' narrow eyebridge and spatulate retinacula.

Pericoma appear to be strictly aquatic, with larval development in water films on rocky walls, in moist calcareous sand or in aquatic to semiaquatic bryophytes (Vaillant 1978).

Krek, S. 1999. Psychodidae (Diptera Insecta) Balkanskog Poluotoka. Studentska Stamparija Univerziteta Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 417 pp.

Kvifte, G. M. & Andersen, T. 2012. Moth flies (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Finnmark, northern Norway. Norwegian Journal of Entomology. 59: 108-119.

Omelková, M. & Ježek, J. 2012. Two new species of Pneumia Enderlein (Diptera, Psychodidae, Psychodinae) from the Palearctic region. Zootaxa. 3180: 1-18.

Vaillant, F. 1978. Psychodidae - Psychodinae. Pp. 207-238 in: Lindner, E. (ed.) Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Lief. 317. E. Schweizerbart'scheVerlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart

Vaillant, F. 1979. Psychodidae - Psychodinae. Pp. 239-270 in: Lindner, E. (ed.) Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Lief. 320. E. Schweizerbart'scheVerlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart

Wagner, R. 1993. On a collection of Psychodidae (Diptera) by Dr. L. Botosaneanu from some Caribbean Islands. Aquatic Insects. 15: 109-127.

Walker, F. 1856. Insecta Brittannica, Diptera. Volume 3. L. Reeve, London. 352 pp

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